How long can your dreads stay in?
On the most websites they recommend 2 or even 3 month's,
but 1 to max. 2 month's is much healthier for your hair! Because the little 'plucks' where the dreads are attached to also start dreading after a while.
So...can it damage your hair then?
Yes, fake ànd real dreads are damaging to your hair. IF you don't take them out on time and take good care of you hair if you wash them!
But your hair is not going to get greasy from not washing! The total opposite, it's going to dry out, so when you remove the dreads give them a good, long wash with a lot of softening, hydrating products.
Isn't it heavy?
The first 2-3 days your head can indeed feel 'heavy' and you can also feel the dreads 'pull' in you neck and/or on your head. But this passes after a couple days. It's normal, especially when your having dreads for the first time.
Does the installing of the dreads hurt?
Yes, getting dreads can be a bit painful, wich is absolutly nothing to worry about. I need to pul the whole thing a bit tight, so everything stays nice in place.But you shouldn't start crying or something like that, then the person who's doin' your hair is doin' something really wrong! Afterwards, most people said, oh all those nerves for nothing!
How are you supposed to sleep with such amount of hair?
The same thing, after 2-3 days your used to it. It's best to tie them up or make a knot.
You don't wanna strangle yourself
Can you wash them?
If you take your dreads out you can just swoop them in the washing machine. Not to hot, do a 'wool' program or cold wash. If needed also the dryer is an option. And tada, they're nice and clean again! ^^
You'd better not wash them while wearing, because the dreads absorb all the water and they start to sack out real fast then. It's also pretty heavy and takes a while to dry out.
Help!!! I've I remove the dreads i'm losing baskets of hair!!! What's happening?
No Worries!That's totally normal and no you're not going bald! 
During one day-time you usually lose a pretty amount of hair. Around 100-200 A DAY!
Since this wasn't possible for the past month, all these hairs are coming lose at the same time.
It might look a little disturbing, but nothing's wrong. Just brush and brush and brush
(with softening stuff for your hair)
Can I swim while having dreads?
You could eventually, with 60 dreads tied up in a knot, try to go swimming....
But as i've said before it starts to absorb the water, and then it's more of a mission to stay alive then to swim 
My head itchesl?
The itching part is also no problem. This is caused because of the hair 'sacks' that have some weight on them now. Once they've adjusted (3-4 days) it supposed to wear off.
Help! I've got tiny wounds and scratches!
Tiny wounds and irritated spots are the ussual when you start for the first time. Especially at the neck. Just try dto stay of and don't scratch
If it's really not getting less of goes away you should check if your not allergic to the hair. I've had one customer before, she was allergic.
Don't the 'fake' dreads look... 'fake'?
No, because I explain to you how you can do them in a way that you don't see much of the 'attachments'. It is also braided in naturally lookin'.
If you have anymore questions please send me an e-mail and let me know your wishes!